Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Chocolate War

Cormier, R. (1974). The chocolate war. NY: Delacorte.
Jerry Renault is a teenage boy struggling with the recent death of his mom and a grieving dad. Jerry refuses to cooperate with his corrupt Catholic high school and the vicious  gang, the Vigils, by refusing to participate in the fundraiser to sell candy.  Throughout the book the other students are selling chocolates and each day he boldly states his refusal to sell. Ultimately the gang and a ruthless teacher concoct a plan to punish Jerry which not only humiliates him, but nearly costs him his life. I think this is a great book for high school teenagers, for many students today are often afraid to stand up for what is right especially if they do not have the support of the adults in their life. The act of Jerry standing up to the powerful teacher who everyone feared, with very little support from anyone else, sends the message that it is okay to stand up for your beliefs.  I also like the fact that this book seems to be ageless.  Although, the novel was written in 1974 the language transcends time with a plot that teens from modern times can relate. Students who enjoyed this book would also enjoy The Outsiders another ageless book.

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